Sunday, October 27, 2013

An Incredible Feast -NFMA Benefit

When I was asked to shoot the Neighborhood Farmer's Market Alliance's Annual Benefit, An Incredible Feast, a few weeks back, I was thrilled but also a bit nervous.  My forte is food photography and not so much people photography. :) I can get shy in large social functions, so food photography is perfect for me. People photography certainly can take me out of my element, but it was a really good challenge and a great cause to support.

The Neighborhood Farmer's Market Alliance,, supports local farmers and runs 7 non-profit farmer's markets in Seattle. I worked with them on my Non-Profit Advertising Campaign during my 6th quarter of school, so when they asked if I would support the NFMA by being the event photographer for the evening, I couldn't turn it down! Thankfully my dear friend and fellow alum Rolan Wong agreed to help shoot it. He is great and has a lot of experience working on events, and definitely the personality for it.  You can check out his website here

The food was amazing and I was a bit starstruck seeing all of the amazing chefs from restaurants like Restaurant Zoe, Palace Kitchen and Ethan Stowell, just to name a few.  There were so many supporting the event, it featured 20 of the some of the top chefs in Seattle. It was crazy to see so much talent and good food in one room.  The event paired farmer's ingredients with a chef and the result was an amazing dish. Luckily I was able to taste some of the dishes, so good!

Here is a  link to more details about who was there and what was happening at the event Incredible Feast.

As far as what I have been up to, well I'm sick, boo. So I guess instead of going on a lovely hike today, I was forced to stay indoors, and rest. Sometimes I guess you just need that.  :)


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